Precari Nati's break-up and the set-up of CRAC.

The comrades of CRAC identified the following limits of the previous experience: Precari Nati had some ambiguities inside: it was a group of workers (mainly temporary) who wanted to have a comprehensive class point of view. It was and it remains centrally the working class for us. We gather together thanks to a subjective class composition of the group, sometimes despite of a direct reference to a political position. The latter was supposed to come out thanks to an internal debate. The consequences of these ambiguities resulted in the confusion of being both a political group and a group that tried to set up intervention, often we were not able to be complete in either cause.

From one point of view we exalted and celebrated the class with an extra economistic conception of class struggle that fettered the research for the development of revolutionary theory. We didn't look at the class as one of the elements of capitalism, in this way we just pointed at its revolutionary aspect, considering the class as a pure subject. Sometimes the proletarian autonomy got confused with a strong unionist forms. With a lack of a working-class offensive there was the temptation to replace it with our own activism.

Unlike Precari Nati, CRAC considers that there exists an effective separation between the class and a revolutionary minority of the class. As CRAC we are aware of being a revolutionary minority that wants to define and to bring out the role of the communist vanguard. We disagree with those who think that the relationship between the class vanguard and the class is a hierarchical one, and with the Leninist approach that thinks a separation between economical and political ground exists, as well as with the attempt of some groups to solve the problem of a lack of class movement in a formal ground, celebrating themselves as the revolutionary organisation.

The class spontaneously creates its own vanguards, of which the number depends on the strength of the class movement and the ability of the proletariat to self-organise its struggles. Strength doesn't come from a massive group, but by having the tools when the class is strong. That's to say that is useless trying to be a mass group while lacking class struggle, what we are trying to be is a group able to be used as a tool for the class.

The political activity of Precari Nati in the area of Bologna, mainly in work places, turned into a local activity unable to get out of the area.

This was also caused by difficulties in having a debate with a political movement more and more closed in a self-referential activity and in a political position. We think that intervention in the area of any group is very important, but it cannot be the only one. Capital has an international range, for this reason we have to pay attention to both national and international issues, and the geographical extension of political activity and the context of class struggle has to be widened as much as possible.

The theory of decline of capitalism is an important subject. It was debated inside the different revolutionary currents of the class movement. Precari Nati started this debate, but in an intuitive way, CRAC wants to get a better understanding.

Inside Precari Nati the collective activity was often hindered by an individualistic attitude, there were people that thought they had brilliant ideas and people that participated passively.

CRAC's crew are still participating in groups that have direct intervention in the area, creating links between workers in publishing counter-information material. We just added something with a detached and an independent activity when setting up CRAC. CRAC is not an organisation but a research group, with the aim, in its work, to define the communist programme, or in a different way, the meaning of communism coming out from class struggle. A communist organisation can just start in relationship with class struggle development.

At the moment CRAC is a laboratory where we want to develop revolutionary theory and practice, to bring in any ground where the components of the group are present. CRAC is involved in the attempt to concentrate and to create links between revolutionary groups worldwide. The ability of a class action and its power lies on the strength of the class not on the form (kind of political organisation) that a class movement sets up. The relationship between revolutionaries and the class is the result of the strength of the class.

We can say that CRAC is a group of internationalist communists that refuse social democratic and nationalist politics. We consider unionism and parliamentarism as counter-revolutionary forms in the decadent phase of capitalism.

We reckon that capitalism is a social relationship, and for this reason it has to be fought in the whole of its extension. The State is an attribute of capitalistic production, the communist revolution has to go through its destruction, with the aim to abolish the proletariat towards human community.

The activity of CRAC can be summarised as follows:

CRAC publishes a review named CRAC.